Sunday, 26 August 2012


We were at Iona Beach today and though it was overcast, it was still very picturesque.  Some of the grasses have turned brown and you know that fall is just around the corner.  But amongst some of the grasses were some delicious blackberries, very hard to resist.

Once I got these berries home I made haagse bluf, a Dutch dessert topping that we put over ice cream. Yummy summer treat or any time treat for that matter.

Haagse Bluf

1 cup blackberry juice
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg white

Beat until light and fluffy. 

I got the juice out of the blackberries by taking a clean pair of panty hose (tied a knot at one end and trimmed) and putting a handful of blackberries inside.  Then squeeze berries until you get all the juice out. You may want to use gloves when doing this as it can be quite messy and stain your hands.