Tuesday, 27 June 2017

The Secret Life of Pets Inspired Party

An other party come and gone. This one we used 'The Secret Life of Pets' as our inspiration, it was such fun. The party was complete with a scavenger hunt where the kids had to dig for the treasure. 

A favourite these days seems to be Oreos dipped and covered with sprinkles. I usually use candy melts but this time I used white chocolate, I personally found that the candy melts work better. It might have been that the chocolate was too warm so the sprinkles would run on me at times.  

I bought some dog dishes to serve our food in, how fun is that?

Some dog bone sugar cookies (recipe found here) decorated with royal icing (recipe from Sweet Sugar Belle) served in a dog dish.

Cupcakes with creme cheese icing is truly the best. I found sheets of wafers, which were the perfected added touch to my cupcakes. 

And more sugar cookies and, of course, homemade marshmallows - they are the best!

I try to keep things simple, so this year I bought white cup, stickers and washi tape. I had the paper straws from a previous party and the colour happened to work great. I used a sharpie to write the kids names so they would which cup was theirs.

And finally, the cake. I did a store bough cake mix (gasp - I know!) this time. I have found that the kids will actually eat it rather than the homemade ones even though the homemade one tastes 10x better. Cream cheese icing as always, more wafers, oreo coookie crumbs for dirt and smarties. This cake has 3 layers and the bottom 2 layers had a circle but in it so that I could fill it with more candies. Such a fun surprise when you cut into the cake.